Ringvorlesung: Algorithmic Models for Wireless Networks
03.02.2014, 17:30 Uhr
Prof. Magnus Halldorsson, School of Computer Science, Reykjavik University, Island
Abstract:Wireless communication continues to have tremendous impact. From an algorithmic point of view, a major challenge in wireless computing is to find general models of interference that are both realistic and analytically feasible. Recent years have seen significant interest in studying algorithms in the so-called SINR model, where interference adds up and fades with distance.
The basic SINR model still makes unrealistic assumptions that hold only in an idealistic situation. In particular, a major open issue has been to model environments with walls and obstacles. We introduce very recent approach that allows for arbitrary static environments while maintaining the performance guarantees that have been obtained for the basic SINR model. This might be the first algorithmic model of wireless computing that captures reality with high fidelity while maintaining generality and analytic feasibility.
Geb. 50.34, R -101