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Ringvorlesung: An intuitive algorithm for control with limited communication and processing resources
Assoc. Prof. Daniel Quevedo, University of Newcastle, Australia
16.07.2014, 10:30 Uhr
Abstract:In networked and embedded control systems, communication and computation resources are often shared, thereby limiting closed-loop performance. In particular, the implicit assumption traditionally made in control design about the processor being able to execute the desired control algorithm at any time and using perfect information, may break down.
In the present talk, we will study an intuitive method for single-loop control of nonlinear systems, when both communication and processing availability for control are random. Our approach embellishes the algorithm described in Quevedo and Gupta, "Sequence- based anytime control," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, February 2013, by incorporating an event-triggering mechanism.
Geb. 50.20, R 148